M1KE changelog
Changelog for stable firmware versions of the
v11 (upcoming, available as beta)
- Sort server lists by name on the web interface
- Fixed BrandMeister Manager lists loading when opened on the Tools page
- Fixed selecting favorite IDs as DGIDs on the PTT destination screen when a YSF/FCS network is active
- Display timeout notice on call end when it ends with a timeout
- Added Quick call and Quick call favs main menu options when the Homebrew connector is active
- Added Quick call button to the PTT Destination Settings screen
- Added back buttons to the PTT destination favorites and favorite servers use dialogs
- The back button can now be used to cancel dialogs (where it is allowed)
- Adjusted speaker low-end DSP processing
- Adjusted microphone noise filtering
- Changed default gain for calls coming from D-STAR networks from 0dB to -6dB
- Prevent RX beep sequence playing for muted calls
- Fixed List/Favs/Reset buttons in Quick Setup
- Fixed Status LED switching back to green after 65 seconds of TX
- Fixed default name when saving call destination to favorites through Quick Setup on the device display
- Fixed mute icon not showing when volume is 0% on boot
- Minor fixes and enhancements
- Trim non-alphanumeric characters from end of callsigns before lookup
- Fixed user manual URL when opened from the device web interface
- Fixed Wi-Fi reconnect after manual disconnect
- Fixed configuration file import and copy
- Minor fixes and enhancements
- Minor fixes and enhancements
- Initial release